SELECT username, store_name, store_code, store_address, cart_id, mst, agency_name_tt, MAX(CASE WHEN date(dps) = '2023-07-01' THEN duvi END) AS duvidauki, sum(naptienvi) AS sum_naptienvi, SUM(hoahong) AS sum_hoahong, sum(muasoonl) AS sum_muaso, COALESCE(sum(naptienvi), 0) + COALESCE(sum(hoahong), 0) - COALESCE(sum(muasoonl), 0) AS total, MAX(CASE WHEN date(dps) = max_dps THEN duvi END) AS duvicuoiki FROM (SELECT u.username, store_name, store_code, store_address, cart_id, mst, d.deposit_date dps, d.current_balance AS duvi, c2.amount AS muasoonl, agency_name_tt, IF(substring(d.ref_id, 1, 3) = 'OTO' OR d.ref_id IS NULL, d.amount, NULL) AS naptienvi, IF(substring(d.ref_id, 1, 3) != 'OTO', d.amount, NULL) AS hoahong FROM commissions c JOIN users u ON = c.user_id JOIN user_profiles up ON = up.user_id JOIN agencies a ON u.agency_id = JOIN deposits d ON = d.user_id JOIN charges c2 ON = c2.user_id WHERE u.username != 'admin' AND date(deposit_date) >= '2023-06-01' AND date(deposit_date) <= '2023-06-30' AND c.type IS NOT NULL) AS subquery LEFT JOIN ( SELECT MAX(d.deposit_date) AS max_dps, u.username FROM commissions c JOIN users u ON = c.user_id JOIN deposits d ON = d.user_id WHERE date(deposit_date) >= '2023-06-01' AND date(deposit_date) <= '2023-06-30' AND c.type IS NOT NULL GROUP BY u.username ) AS subquery2 ON subquery.username = subquery2.username GROUP BY username, store_name, store_code, store_address, cart_id, mst, agency_name_tt
SQL Error [1052] [23000]: Column 'username' in field list is ambiguous Column 'username' in field list is ambiguous Column 'username' in field list is ambiguous how to fix this anwers in english
The SQL error you're seeing, "Column 'username' in field list is ambiguous," means that this column exists in more than one table in your query, and SQL isn't sure which one you're trying to access.
To fix it, just prefix "username" with the name of the table or the alias you are referencing it from. For example, if 'username' resides in the 'users' table and 'subquery' alias, instead of just using 'username' in your SELECT clause, you can use 'u.username' or 'subquery.username'. You need to make this change for every occurrence of 'username' in your SELECT and GROUP BY clauses.
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