Câu hỏi:

SOẠN THÀNH 1 GIÁO ÁN TIẾNG ANH HOÀN CHỈNH:Unit 1 : A LONG AND HEALTHY LIFE I. Getting Started 1. Listen and read. A HEALTHY LIFESTYLE Mark: Hi, Nam! Nam: Hi, Mark! Long time no see. How are you? Mark: I'm fine, thanks, but you look so fit and healthy! Have you started working out again? Nam: Yes, I have. I've also stopped eating fast food and given up bad habits, such as staying up late. Mark: I can't believe it! I thought you can't live without burgers and chips! Nam: I know. I ate a lot of fast food, but now fruits and vegetables. I prefer fresh Mark: So what happened? Nam: Well, it was my grandfather. I visited him during my last summer holiday and have learnt a lot of important life lessons from him. Mark: Really? Nam: Yes. He's a wonderful person. He has just had his 90th birthday, but he's still full of energy! Mark: Amazing! How does he stay so active? Nam: Well, he does exercise every morning, goes to bed early, and eats a lot of vegetables. We spent a lot of time together cooking, working in his gar

den, and even learning yoga. Mark: Yoga? That sounds interesting! Nam: Yes, it's a great way to improve flexibility and balance, and it's fun too! Mark: Your grandfather seems like a wise man. Maybe I should start following his example. Nam: It's never too late to start living a healthy lifestyle, Mark! So, why not give it a try?

II. Language Focus

  1. Vocabulary
  1. Grammar

III. Skills

  1. Listening
  1. Speaking
  1. Writing

IV. Wrap-up

  1. Homework
  1. Test/Assessment

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