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SOẠN THÀNH 1 GIÁO ÁN TIẾNG ANH HOÀN CHỈNH:Unit 1 : A LONG AND HEALTHY LIFE I. Getting Started 1. Listen and read. A HEALTHY LIFESTYLE Mark: Hi, Nam! Nam: Hi, Mark! Long time no see. How are you? Mark: I'm fine, thanks, but you look so fit and healthy! Have you started working out again? Nam: Yes, I have. I've also stopped eating fast food and given up bad habits, such as staying up late. Mark: I can't believe it! I thought you can't live without burgers and chips! Nam: I know. I ate a lot of fast food, but now fruits and vegetables. I prefer fresh Mark: So what happened? Nam: Well, it was my grandfather. I visited him during my last summer holiday and have learnt a lot of important life lessons from him. Mark: Really? Nam: Yes. He's a wonderful person. He has just had his 90th birthday, but he's still full of energy! Mark: Amazing! How does he stay so active? Nam: Well, he does exercise every morning, goes to bed early, and eats a lot of vegetables. We spent a lot of time together cooking, working in his garden, and walking in the parks. I've learnt from him that taking regular exercise and eating a balanced diet are the key to a long and healthy life. 2. Read the conversation again and decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F). T F 1. Nam has always had healthy habits 2. He has learnt the importance of exercise and healthy food. 3. Nam's grandfather goes to sleep early, exercises every day, and eats healthily. 3. Fill in the blanks to make phrases full of physical or mental activity from 1 with the following meanings. 1. full of __ having the strength and enthusiasm we need for physical or mental activity 2. bad __ things we often do that are not good for our health 3. ____ exercise physical or mental activity that we do frequently to stay healthy 4. _____ diet the correct types and amounts of food that we need to stay healthy Pronunciation Strong and weak forms of auxiliary verbs (Dạng mạnh và dạng yếu của trợ động từ) 1. Listen and repeat. Pay attention to the strong and weak forms of the auxiliary verbs. Then practise saying them. Weak forms (Hình thức yếu) Strong forms (Hình thức mạnh) Do you ...? /dǝ/ I do. /du:/ Does she...? /dǝz/ She does. /dʌz/ Can I ...? /kǝn/ You can. /kæn/ Weak forms (Hình thức yếu) Strong forms (Hình thức mạnh) Could we...? /kǝd/ We could. /kʊd/ Were they...? /wǝ/ They were. /wɜːr/ Has he ...? /həz/ He has. /hæz/ Mark: Have you started working out again? /hǝv/ Nam: Yes, I have. /hæv/ Mark: Was it your grandfather who taught you? /wəz/ Nam: Yes, it was. /wɒz/ 2. Work in pairs. Read these sentences out loud. Pay attention to the strong and weak forms of the auxiliary verbs. Then listen and check. 1. Does she exercise? - Yes, she does. 2. Were you eating healthily? - Yes, I was. 3. Do you eat vegetables? - Yes, I do. 4. Can he get up early? - Yes, he can.

Để hoàn thành Giáo án Tiếng Anh "Unit 1: A Long and Healthy Life", bạn đã cung cấp đoạn hội thoại, bài tập và phần điều chỉnh phát âm. Dưới đây là phần còn lại của giáo án:

II. Language Focus

  1. Vocabulary:
  1. Grammar:

III. Speaking Activity:

  1. Pair work:
  1. Group discussion:

IV. Homework: Assign students a writing task to describe their ideal healthy lifestyle, using the vocabulary and grammar learned in the lesson.

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