Câu hỏi:

Please help me choose one of these 9 topics to write a complete essay detailing and clarifying the requirements of the topic, 5 to 10 pages in length, A4 size. Topic 1: Describe and analyze images with Southern nuances in some feature films created in recent decades? Topic 2: Name some methods of filming, editing - have contributed to highlighting the Southern nuances in films made on this topic? Topic 3: How do you feel about the movie “Brilliant Ashes”? Analyze the unique features of the work? Topic 4: The national cultural identity is expressed through what elements in the film work, which you analyze and prove? Question 5: Would you please analyze and prove the elements that make up the national cultural identity in the feature film and film? Topic 6: What factors create cinematic language in a feature film work? Can you analyze and prove it? Topic 7: Cinematic language is shown quite nicely through a number of feature films. Would you please clarify and prove? Topic 8: "The cultural space of the South" is prominently built through a number of recent films and movies. Let's analyze and prove? Topic 9: "Southern cultural space" is portrayed quite boldly in some feature films, would you please analyze?

I recommend choosing Topic 8: "The cultural space of the South" is prominently built through a number of recent films and movies. Let's analyze and prove?

This topic allows you to explore various aspects of Southern culture, as well as discuss different films from recent years, making the essay more comprehensive and engaging. It provides you with an opportunity to dive deep into the portrayal of the culture, traditions, and heritage in contemporary cinema and analyze how filmmakers and writers have tried to highlight the cultural space of the South.

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