Câu hỏi:

Write me a screenplay for a 15-minute movie on the theme of the full moon day of July

Title: Moonlit Memories


The room is warm and cozy, decorated with pictures and mementos from various family events. The family, composed of GRANDMA, MOM, DAD, and their two children, LILY and TOM, are seated around a table filled with mooncakes, tea, and other treats. They're all dressed in their best clothes.

GRANDMA Tonight, we celebrate the full moon of July. This is a time to honor our ancestors and appreciate the beauty of the moon.

LILY (Excited) Grandma, can you tell us some stories about great-grandpa and great-grandma?

GRANDMA Of course. Let's start with a story about your great-grandpa's kindness.


Lush green rice fields stretch in every direction. A young version of GREAT-GRANDPA is working in the field under the sweltering sun. He notices a traveler resting under a tree in the distance.

GRANDMA (V.O) Your great-grandpa was a hardworking farmer, and he knew how important it was to help others. One hot July day, he saw a tired traveler resting on the side of the road.

YOUNG GREAT-GRANDPA (Concerned) Sir, do you need any help? You seem very tired.

TRAVELER Yes, I have been walking for days, and I'm hungry and thirsty.

YOUNG GREAT-GRANDPA Please, rest by the tree. I'll get you some water and food.

Great-Grandpa hurries back to the house to get supplies and returns with a jug of water and some freshly steamed buns.


GRANDMA The traveler was very grateful for the help and, in return, taught your great-grandpa the beautiful skill of lantern-making.

LILY Wow! I'd love to learn that too.

TOM How about great-grandma? What stories do you have about her?

GRANDMA I remember how her love for the moon connected our family.


A young version of GREAT-GRANDMA stands on a rooftop, looking at the mesmerizing full moon. She's holding a piece of paper and writing a poem dedicated to the moon.

GRANDMA (V.O) Your great-grandma loved the full moon so much that she would write poetry about it. Each full moon day of July, she would gather the family on the rooftop, and we'd recite the poems together.


DAD I think it's time to start our own family tradition for the full moon day of July. Let's make lanterns using Great-Grandpa's techniques.

MOM That sounds lovely! Let's honor our ancestors by sharing stories, making lanterns, and enjoying the beauty of the full moon together.

The family works together, crafting beautiful lanterns as they continue sharing stories about their ancestors. Their cheerful laughter and the warm ambiance of the room create a sense of unity.


The family goes outside to their garden, carrying the lanterns they've made. They place the lanterns on the ground, forming a circle. DAD lights a candle at the center of the circle.

GRANDMA Let these lanterns guide the spirits of our loved ones as they join us in our celebration tonight.

The full moon shines brightly overhead, casting a soft glow over the family's faces as they huddle together, reminiscing about the past and celebrating their love for one another.


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